Do you have some ideas for an online business?

If you answered ‘no’, you might not be marketing as effectively as possible. Marketing funnels are all about moving users through a process (normally called the buyer’s journey). The goal of moving them through the funnel is to get them to buy from you. They start out not knowing about your product, but by the end of the funnel, they can’t wait to give you their money . But to do this effectively, you need to structure your website properly. To be honest, it’s a tedious task & as a beginner, you might find it confusing to get it right. Be it a blog, a business, or a product, everyone needs a marketing funnel. In today’s world, once you have setup the marketing funnel right, everything else can be automated to convert the visitor to a subscriber (eventually leading them to take an action). Example: Bob runs a website where he launched his first eBook. Earlier he was using the traditional metho...